Group Personal Training (GPT)

Group Personal Training (GPT) takes the best elements of traditional 1-1 training and puts them into a focused but friendly group environment with a 5:1 ratio. You'll get all the coaching and support you need it – and the space to be independent when you've got things handled.

This format is ideal for developing the skills, technique, and body awareness behind a lifelong fitness practice. You may know it by another name, semi-private training. At Bang, however, we don't like to be semi-anything.

Your program is your own – shaped over time by continuous communication with your coach. It meets you where you are right now and takes you where you want to go. You pick the goals and pinpoint the sweet spot for intensity. We design the process – continually calibrating based on your feedback and performance.

We offer month-to-month memberships, so that you can give things a go without making a major commitment.

GPT membership includes:

- Monthly membership options with no-hassle cancellation

- The freedom to pause payments whenever you’re away

- Lots of extras (small group classes, habit coaching, a beautiful community) with no extra fees


Starting from $50/session



Master the skills behind bodyweight, barbell, dumbbell, kettlebell movements — and plenty more.

We focus on free weights because of the body awareness and technical skills they foster.

Highly Sustainable

Nobody gets mad at quick progress.. But...

The real magic is sustainability.

We'll help you build skills to help you play the long-game of fitness.


You've got plenty of motivation. To feel good. To have energy to spare. To be at home in your own body.

We don't need to scream and shout for you to succeed; we simply have to present you with the right challenges at the right time.

"I'd always felt awkward and out of place at most gyms so I never went more than once or twice. Bang has a completely different vibe that is welcoming, friendly, and supportive."

Group Personal Training (GPT) at Bang

Feel at home in the weight room by developing lifelong skills for technique and body awareness.

Work with expert coaches, receive totally custom workouts, and take part in an inclusive community that believes in showing up, being kind, and working hard. All here in Queen West.


You pick the goals and pinpoint the sweet spot for intensity. We design the program and coach you through it—continually calibrating based on your feedback and performance.


Instead of traditional 1-1, you’ll share your coach with (up to) four other Group Personal Training members. Your program, workout style, and schedule are your own. And they evolve with you.


You’ll get coaching and support where you need it—and the space to be more independent when you don’t.

Book a time below to find out if we’re the right fit for you.


Starting from $50/session